Thursday 30 January 2014

Nathalie Makoma

Nathalie Makoma is a Dutch singer of Congolese origin. Her parents are from the Democratic Republic of Congo. She was the lead singer for the group Makoma and she later embarked on a solo musical career on her own.

Nathalie Makoma was born on February 24, 1982 in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire). She started singing with her family group in 1993 when the band was known as "Nouveau Testament". The group was renamed Makoma and was made up of seven members (three brothers and three sisters with one non-family member, boy friend of one of the sisters).

Nathalie Makoma

Nathalie Makoma

Nathalie Makoma

Butu na Moyi - Makoma

Napesi - Makoma

Moto Oyo - Makoma

Natamboli - Makoma

Mwinda - Makoma

Yo Wuti - Makoma

No Jesus No Life - Makoma

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