Sunday 2 November 2014

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali is an American former professional boxer. He was born on January 17, 1942, in Louisville, Kentucky as Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. In 1975 he converted to Sunni Islam and changed his name to Muhammad Ali.

Muhammad Ali had a sister and four brothers. He was raised in a supportive, African - American middle - class family.

In 1984 Muhammad Ali was diagnosed with Parkinson's syndrome, a disease that is common to head trauma from activities such as boxing.

Muhammad Ali has been married four times and has seven daughters and two sons.

Muhammed Ali met his first wife, cocktail waitress Sonji Roi, approximately one month before they married on August 14, 1964. Sonji Roi's objections to certain Muslim customs in regard to dress for women contributed to the breakup of their marriage. They divorced on January 10, 1966. 

Muhammad Ali currently lives in Scottsdale Arizona, with Yolanda Williams "Lonnie".

Muhammad Ali and his wife Yolanda Williams "Lonnie"

Muhammad Ali and David Beckham

Muhammad Ali and Jennifer Lopez

Muhammad Ali and Halle Berry

Muhammad Ali and Former South African President Nelson Mandela

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